An interview with... Anton Cuyler

I've been so blessed to count many leaders, pastors, innovators and incredible athletes as friends in my life and so many of them have deep, profound wisdom and knowledge that is too good not to share, so I aim to start interviewing some of those brilliant people to unearth the amazing treasure they hold!

Anton Cuyler,
CEO of The Sozo Foundation

Since launching my book Racing on Empty earlier this year, I've had a few people ask about who The Sozo Foundation are, that the profit from my book go to support and I thought the best way to explain was to introduce you to one of those incredible people I was talking about earlier - Anton Cuyler, CEO of The Sozo Foundation.

In this interview we talk about what brought him to set up The Sozo Foundation, what Sozo is all about and what advice he would give people with a burning passion to do something 'more' in the world today. He shared some real gems and home truths that I know many of you will really benefit from, so I'd love for you to take some time and have a watch!

Find out more about The Sozo Foundation

Support them, buy my book: Racing on Empty